Out of Jail with Jefferson County Bail Bonds

Whether the crime committed is petty or huge, except for capital crime, the Jefferson County Bail Bonds service makes clients obtain bail in a couple of hours.

To put it simply, the bail bond is a legal document that enables the defendant to stay out of jail. The bail specifies the dates when the accused is supposed to appear in the courtroom. The experienced bail bondsman assists the defendants in getting jail and remaining connected socially.

Jefferson Bail Bonds

The agreement works like insurance that compels the detainees to agree and follow the terms set forth by the court. The bail bond can be a specific amount of money or value or a property that is decided by the court in order to ensure that the detainee appears to court on the dates scheduled.

This is actually how the process goes when you or your friend or relative gets arrested. In order to ensure this temporary release, the defendants always have the choice to pay money directly. However, if you do not have enough money to secure the release, go with a company that provides bail bonds.

The companies specialize in issuing bail bonds to make sure their clients appear up for their trial. They charge a flat fee for providing the actual bond cost which is about 10% of the bond amount. This fee does not include any other expenses linked with the transaction above and beyond the charges determined by the court. Their services ensure that the accused individual receives copies of all signed documentation in regards to the hearing, receives up-to-date information regarding the bond amount, and provides a refund of all collateral used to expedite their release.

What does Bond Forfeiture mean?

When it comes to these legal concerns, one of the things that make people worry is bail bond forfeiture. The matter becomes really hard to understand especially when you do not have any experience yet about facing legal cases.

Bail bond forfeiture does not simply happen because the accused individual fails to appear in court. Rather the defendant is given a chance to explain their reasons behind failure to attend the scheduled hearing date. In case, the defendant fails to provide a valid excuse, the judge will issue a warrant of arrest. Now, if the accused cannot be found when the warrant is served, the court will then proceed with the forfeiture of the bond. In addition to the loss of money, which is the consequence of bond forfeiture, failure to attend scheduled court hearings can undermine the defendant’s case.

The forfeited bonds do not bring back the funds. Rather, the funds provided become the property of the jury who is assigned to that case. The consequences vary from case to case, as there are huge differences among bail bond forfeitures. For criminal cases, the failure to attend court hearings leads to direct forfeiture of the bond. On the contrary, for civil cases, the bond forfeiture means that any particular right of the defendant is deprived as a consequence, to ensure that the terms of the agreement are followed.

To know everything about the bail bonds process including forfeiture, or to avail of the Jefferson County bail bonds, call now 303-778-0026


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